Choosey brings the wonders of video to your greetings. Surprise your loved ones with a video greeting included inside their card. Using your smartphone or tablet, record a video message or upload an existing video with the Choosey App. Choosey will print its unique code in the card. Following simple steps, the recipient will be able to view your greetings without leaving
their couch! So get to browsing – for every person there is a card out there.
How do you upload a video?
Step 1: Pick your favourite card on
Step 2: Record your video on your desktop or mobile device and attach it to your card.
Step 3: Your video card is ready to send in the post!
Step 4: When the card lands on the mat, the lucky recipient can view the video by scanning the QR code via our free Choosey App on their mobile device, or by visiting the card�s unique site link on their desktop.
You can receive 30% off with the discount code: VACGET30 until midnight 12th Nov. T&C’s : Choosey App is free to download & use via App Store or Google Play. Greeting Cards will be dispatched within 24 hours. Delivery up to 3 business days. Sent via first class post. Delivery fees apply. Only 65p for up to 3 cards. Just check out Choosey website for more info on delivery. Valid on single card purchases only. Cannot be used with any other offer. No cancellation. See full terms and conditions. Earn extra cashback too, that is
7.5% until midnight 12th Nov.