Now the weather is getting nicer you’ll be looking for getting out and about, so why not become a member of The National Trust? You will be able to visit some of Britain’s most beautiful places, and help to protect them for years to come.
Your National Trust membership will entitle you to Free entry to more than 300 historic houses and gardens, Free car parking at most Trust properties, Free entry to the National Trust for Scotland and other partner organisation offers, information about Britain’s coasts and countryside, and a pair of National Trust binoculars absolutely free!
You will have plenty to see and do joining the National Trust, as your membership will give you lots of things to do, and as often as you like, for Free. You’ll receive a fantastic membership pack consisting of a handbook, car sticker, map guide, newsletters, and three copies of The National Trust Magazine.
So join up and do your bit to protect some of UK’s beautiful spots, whatever takes your fancy, be it castles, gardens, wildlife, or some place linked to your favourite event or person, you needed have a boring weekend again!
And to top it all off, if you pay by Direct Debt, you’ll get 3 months’ free membership!